Dolos exposes a gRPC endpoint allowing clients to perform operations such as querying data, receiving notifications and submitting transactions.

The endpoint provide by Dolos adheres to the UTxO RPC (opens in a new tab) interface definition. UtxoRPC is a generic specification of how to exchange data with UTxO-based blockchains, such as Cardano.

If enabled via configuration, Dolos will expose a TCP port accepting gRPC connections. The default port number is 50051, but this value can be changed via configuration.

Off the Shelf Tools

The underlying transport mechanism for gRPC is HTTP/2. Given that HTTP/2 is an ubiquotus protocol, there are many off-the-shelf tools to interact with this endpoint (eg: postman, grpcurl). You can find more options in the Awesome gRPC (opens in a new tab) repository.

gRPC relies on well-known schemas describing the available operations. These schemas are available and documented in the UtxoRPC (opens in a new tab) site. Nevertheless, gRPC has a mechansim called reflection that allows clients to retrieve the schemas from the endpoint itself, Dolos support this option. You can try out this mechanism using Postman.


One of the main goals of Dolos is to serve as a backend for dApps. dApps will want to integrate Dolos programmatically. gRPC is ideal for this since it's an industry-standard with support in all of the mainstream programming languages.

To simplify this process even further, the UtxoRPC specification provides a set of SDKs (opens in a new tab) that can be used to easily interact using Rust, Go, Python and NodeJS.

Access from the Browser

Interacting with gRPC from browsers is supported but with a catch. Since HTTP/2 framing mechansims is not compatible with browsers, Dolos allows interacting with the same gRPC operations using HTTP/1 via a common adapter refered to as gRPC-Web.

No changes are required in Dolos to support web access, the same port that accepts HTTP/2 gRPC connections will detect when a client requests HTTP/1 (as when originated from a browser) and switch to gRPC-Web. Make sure to use the UtxoRPC Web SDK and not the NodeJS one which is also based on Javascript.

Authentication Mechanism

Dolos has a built-in mechanism for authenticating clients using TLS. By specifying a specific CA authority via configuration, Dolos wil accept client connections that provide a matching certificate and reject any other connection attempt.

To enable TLS authentication, a .pem file needs to be specified via configuration to define the CA authority use for validating client certificates. If no pem is specified, Dolos will assume that the endpoint should not perform any authentication and allow any connection.

Available Operations

// TODO: specify which UtxoRPC modules are currently supported.


The serve.grpc section controls the options for the gRPC endpoint that can be used by clients.

  • listen_address: the local address (IP:PORT) to listen for incoming gRPC connections ([::] represents any IP address).

This is an example of the serve.grpc fragment with a dolos.toml configuration file.

listen_address = "[::]:50051"